Helen Warrilow – commercial director (Awards sponsorship and branding opportunities)
Olivia McKelvie – event manager (entries, attendance and logistics)
Digital Signage Awards
+44 (0)1789 777612 (International) or 0330 635 5005 (UK local call rate)
Sector Projects Plus Limited
71-75 Shelton Street
Covent Garden
London WC2H 9JQ

If you would like to make direct contact with SIXTEEN:NINE please use one of the following:
Dave Haynes
Founding Editor SIXTEEN:NINE
Email – dave@sixteen-nine.net
Twitter – @sixteennine
Linkedin – https://ca.linkedin.com/in/davethaynes
Office – 905.592.1612
Sixteen:Nine Podcast
all digital signage, some snark
The organisers of the Digital Signage Awards own and manage a portfolio of business celebrations: