An occasion for celebration
The Awards dinner and ceremony followed the SIXTEEN:NINE ISE Mixer and combined Welcome drinks for the Awards ticket holders. It took place from 6.00pm on Monday February 3, 2025 at the Esferic Events Center, Montjuic, Barcelona, when drinks and canapés were served to stave off any long travel day or stand building day hunger pangs. The Mixer and Welcome drinks took place on the ground floor Brossa level of Esferic and was followed by the Awards dinner for Finalists, sponsors and judges at 8.00pm in the Vidreres Room on the second level.

Even though generous canapés were served with drinks during the Mixer/Welcome, Awards guests enjoyed a three-course dinner of very high calibre. The Awards ceremony started promptly at 9.45pm and lasted for a brisk 45 minutes.
The Esferic Events Center is a beautiful venue but it is not enormous. If you wish to be sure of your places at the Awards dinner and ceremony, including attending the SIXTEEN:NINE Mixer and Welcome drinks, please book as soon as you can once the booking form re-opens for 2026.
For information about the Awards event bookings and logistics for 2026 please email Olivia McKelvie.
For information about Awards sponsorship and branding opportunities for 2026 please email Helen Warrilow.